The Office of the Seniors Advocate wants to hear from family caregivers about their experiences helping a loved one access publicly-funded long-term care in B.C. The Office of the Seniors Advocate is an independent office of the provincial government with a mandate of monitoring seniors’ services and reporting on systemic issues affecting seniors.
The press release states,” The Office of the Seniors Advocate wants to hear from family caregivers about their experiences helping a loved one access publicly-funded long-term care in B.C. The office is undertaking a systemic review to better understand long-term care supply and demand issues in the province. The BC Seniors Advocate is asking caregivers supporting a family member currently waitlisted for publicly-funded long-term care, or were previously waitlisted and accessed a long-term care bed within the last year, to complete a short survey.
“By 2036, one in four of British Columbians will be a senior, and the oldest baby boomer will be 90 years old. The clock is ticking for us to take action to ensure seniors, regardless of where they live in the province, have timely access to quality long-term care close to home.” The review of long-term care supply and demand will analyze data and system factors driving waitlists and wait times for long-term care; the current and projected supply of long-term care beds; government policies, legislation and regulations in long-term care; workforce and staffing challenges; and caregiver feedback. The final report will be available in Spring 2025. The online survey is available until March 18,2025.”
Caregiver Survey is available at
The survey deadline has been extended until March 18, 2025. Reponses are anonymous.
The office also provides information and referral to seniors and their caregivers by calling toll-free 1 877 952-3181, BC211, via email at
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