How to save and document your and or your parents’ life story. Today ask an older adult in your life to share a memory! You most like will feel inspired and grateful.Our clients rely on our expertise to prepare and market their home to ensure it sells for top dollar and they know all the details will be taken care! They also value our system, HELM’s 55 and BETTER which shares resources including like minded professionals.Of course we can refer lawyers, financial advisors, handymen and women, gardeners, cleaners, movers and organizers, whatever our clients need, we get it for them. The topic of preserving “mom and dad’s” memories comes up often. In the next issue of our monthly, HOME with HELM in the hope of you getting to know the older adults in your life better I’ll be will be sharing tips on how to document those memories, including how to interview your parents, questions you might ask and where to go to easily have them documented.
Of course, we will include feature listings, market stats and more! Sign up here on our website, contact page.
Office: 604-730-2600
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