Today was my mom’s birthday, and as always, I find myself reflecting on her wisdom, her quiet yet fierce strength, and the way she showed up—unwavering—for her husband, her children, and her friends. On this special day, something happened that felt like a sign—while arriving to host my, “rightsizing for seniors” seminar at the West Vancouver Senior Centre, I found a dime. It was such a timely reminder of my mom’s influence. Her quiet presence with advice were always spot on, even if I didn't realize it until later. "Go get 'em, and have fun a long the way, and don’t forget, get a good haircut, tweeze your eyebrows, wear good shoes, and quality clothing!"
That advice always made me smile, yet today, it felt like a gentle nudge from her spirit, reminding me to stay true to myself just like she did.
The seminar was a success, seeing people get their questions answered, and learning they have so many options was rewarding to be a part of. Today’s true reward was the quiet, powerful presence of my mom’s spirit. Thank you, Mom, for everything you taught me. Happy Birthday in Heaven Mama xo your daughter
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