Posted on
March 31, 2023
Janet Helm
Hands raised in unison when I asked, “who has too much stuff?” Chuckled comments included, “53 years worth.” “My kids don’t want any of it.” “Who will take my encyclopedias?” “I walk into the room, then turn around and walk out.” Sharing suggestions and a plan at my RIGHTSIZING seminar was fun. Being able to be a resource for people was very rewarding. Organizing belongings and Rightsizing your home can be overwhelming, yet with a plan, can be easier. What’s next in the HELM SEMINAR SERIES? "Considering buying a strata home? What you need to know!" And another requested topic: "Aging Actively in Place." AT THE HELM monthly e-newsletter shares market updates, resources, next seminar topics and locations. Email to receive it. UPDATE: I found a home for a couple's encyclopedias! A local artist upcycles books into journals. She is thrilled to make use of them. #realestate #seniorsrealestatespecialist #downsizing #rightsizing #senioradvocate